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发表于 2008-3-24 08:15:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why does the Western Media neglect the blood of Chinese victims? DuringMarch 14’s riot, media in the Western countries seldom mentioned thesuffering of the victims in the riot, but only focuses on the appeal of“freedom” of the rioters. Even after all kinds of evidences clearlydemonstrated the ferocity of the rioters (see www.peaceintibet.com),western media is only concerned with the arrests of the rioters andcriminals. Why the “sympathetic” and “objective” Western media seems tobe blind to the blood of Chinese victims? A metaphor used by Dalaican shed light on the mind of the western media. In a meeting withjournalists after the riot, he said, ““Last few days I had a sort offeeling, a tiger, of a young deer in a tiger’s hand,” The wolf-likebrutality of the rioters was easily turned into the deer-liketenderness and helplessness. This is Dalai’s long-time strategy: tocontrast his small group with China’s gigantic size and use hisreligious role as a pretext hiding his political intention. Such amethod is actually quite common in the daily life, some peopledeliberately demonstrate their physical weakness to win the sympathy ofthe bystanders, but secretly attack the back of the stronger. Thestronger are trapped into a predicament. His self-defense is evencondemned as the misuse of violence. Only the victims attacked know thepain and are angry with the tricks. That’s the reason why Chineseperceive the Tibet-question so differently from the Westerners. (http://www.ftchinese.com/sc/story_english.jsp?id=001018078) China’ssituation is even worse. The dragon has always been conceived in theWesterns’ sub-consciousness as a huge menace. The government typechosen by Chinese people happens to be disliked by the Westerncountries as well. Its vast size, large population and powerful stateprovide Dalai Lama with the best chance to display his weakness as acontrast. The decades long negative reports and perceptions about Chinain the Western countries easily enable Dalai to close the eye of themedia on the bloody truth. The biased view of the Western countrieseven cost the lives of more civilians. As a British journalists report,worried about the criticism, Chinese police did not take harsh measuresagainst the rioters on the first day.(http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/as ... dex.html#cnnSTCText) Weordinary Chinese people are not accusing Dalai of terrorism here. Weknow that we have not yet seen 100% evidence of his direct incitationof the riot. However, we are furious with his manipulation of thepublic opinion and the Western media’s indifference to the blood of ourbrothers and sisters. We demand Dalai Lama to face the victimskilled, injured and plundered by his followers and sincerely apologizeto them. We demand Western Media to report the brutality widely andobjectively to the public in their countries for the sake of TRUTH; We demand International Community to condemn the responsible for the Tibetan violence, in order to maintain the “moral authority” (Nancy Pelosi); We support our government’s necessary measures to restore orders and protect people’s life and property in the affected regions, support the juridical process against the criminals; We welcome unbiased investigation of the violence;and We wish all Han, Muslim and Tibetan Chinese reconcile the historic conflicts, continue the economic development and construct a harmonious Tibet! Please circulate wide! more unknown stories of Dalai Lama can be find www.peaceintibet.com
[发帖际遇]: 澡堂开车的时候, 一张纸条飞进驾驶舱, 才发现原来是支票贡献1000.
发表于 2008-3-24 16:03:10 | 显示全部楼层
非常好的说明材料, 这真是我需要的. 我要更多的人知道这个网站http://www.peaceintibet.com 请大家把这个网站到处公告.
[发帖际遇]: yhc参加慈善晚会, 捐款贡献3287.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-24 18:31:32 | 显示全部楼层
在[wiki]波兰[/wiki]的朋友们,建议使用gadugadu宣传以上信息,注册网址http://www.gadugadu.pl/ 这个东西类似QQ,下载安装软件,然后注册就可以散发以上信息,如果你是中国人,就请行动起来,拿出实际行动,与西方反华势力进行一场没有硝烟的战争!!!!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-25 15:36:14 | 显示全部楼层
这里是波兰英文论坛,大家可以注册到这里发表此文章。 http://forum.poland.com/index.php?
[发帖际遇]: xp2在路边摆摊子, 本日赚到贡献21.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-25 16:15:51 | 显示全部楼层
天啦,看了半天,眼睛都看花了。 不过还是支持!!!
[发帖际遇]: 漂泊在波兰在赌场爽了一把, 赢得2.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-25 21:23:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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