Wawel Evenings, classical music concerts at the Castle
皇宫之夜. 古典音乐节
(website: www.filharmonia.krakow.pl
Krakow Theatrical Reminiscences, various venues
(website: www.rotunda.pl
Polish and International Festival of Commercials and Advertisements,
波兰及国际商业\广告节 Mar(三月份)
Easter Ludwig van Beethoven Festival, inaugurated as part of the Krakow 2000 festival and featuring works by Beethoven and other composers, various venues
复活节贝多芬音乐节 Easter:
3rd weekend of March(三月的第三个周末)
Constitution Day, patriotic parades and festivities, throughout the city
立宪日 3 May,(5月三)
St Stanislaw Procession, May, from Wawel to Skalta (五月)
Cracow Film Festival, , various venues
(website: www.cracowfilmfestival.pl)
Summer Festival of Opera and Operetta,夏季戏曲节 (六月上旬)
The Great Dragon Parade - Wawel Dragon Day, 皇宫龙节, a colourful march of dozens of dragons created and brought to life by children and young people and accompanied by brass bands, drummers, stilt-walkers and dancers (website: www.groteska.pl)
early Jun, city centre(六月上旬)
Wianki, St John's Day, , midsummer festival with girls floating wreaths of magic herbs and candles on the Visitula River 圣约翰节
24 Jun(6月24)
Jewish Culture Festival,犹太文化节 Kazimierz (website: www.jewishfestival.pl)
Tyniec Organ Recitals,风琴演奏会 series of summer concerts, Tyniec (website: www.cracowonline.com)
Summer Jazz Festival,夏季爵士日 Piwnica Pod Baranami (website: www.cracjazz.com)
Summer Opera Festival,夏季歌剧节 Cracow Opera (website: www.opera.krakow.pl)
International Street Theatre Festival, 国际街头戏剧节throughout the city
early Jul,(七月上旬)
Music in Old Krakow,复古KRAKOW音乐节 international music festival, Old Town Aug,(八月)
Pierogi Festival, 饺子节 Little Market Square (Mały Rynek), local restaurants compete to make the tastiest pierogi (Polish dumplings)
Sacrum-Profanum Festival名著节, various venues, presents masterpieces of instrumental and vocal/instrumental music from various centres of Europe Sep,(九月)
Student Song Festival(学生歌曲日), various venues, Poland's biggest and most important song festival Oct,(十月)
Cracow Jazz Jamboree,爵士狂欢日 various venues Nov,(11月)
Cracow Ballet Meetings,芭蕾舞节 various venues (website: www.nck.krakow.pl)
Independence Day,独立日 patriotic displays around the city, throughout the city mid-Nov(11月中旬)
Szopki Krakowskie, 基督诞生节 contest for the most beautiful Cracow Christmas nativity scene, Rynek Glowny Dec(12月)
Jazz Juniors,简易爵士节 international competition of young jazz groups, various venues
Christmas Day圣诞节, , throughout the city 25 Dec
International Silent Film Festival无声电影节, various venues (website: www.kinopodbaranami.pl)
New Year on the Main Square新年联欢会,这个一定要参加,每年KRAKOW都举行的,有很多名人,歌星都会请过来,大家可以好好疯狂一把,那晚会整个KRAKOW看起来金壁辉煌的,MAIN SQUARE是人山人海狂欢,电视直播, large crowds and Polish stars gather on the main square on New Year's Eve, Rynek Glowny 31 Dec,12月31 |