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Hello Banzhu!

发表于 2008-2-6 18:25:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello Banzhu! I am a Chinese working in Gdynia, Poland. (Sorry, cannot type Chinese on this computer, but I can read Chinese). Right now I am working in Polish local company Doradca Consultants Ltd, in charge of Project between Poland and China. We provide market analysis, legal, accounting, establishing local company and almost all consulting services to Polish company planning to enter China & Chinese company planning to enter Poland. We are headquatered in Gdynia, but have an office in Warsaw. We would be very grateful if we could put advertisement on PLChinese.com. Please let me know if it is possible, and how can we cooperate on it. Xiexie~~~~ Here's my contact info, please contact me as soon as possible. Mobile: +48 514308578 Email: swang@doradca.com.pl MSN: venus3202003@yahoo.com.cn Skype: sara.j.w Happy Chinese New Year everybody!!!;(boyige
[发帖际遇]: Rocjovi在馒头店卖馒头赚到威望83.
发表于 2008-2-6 19:03:03 | 显示全部楼层
OK! No problem, PLS send your Company LOGO to me, I will to plan for you.;(yes Email: andyfucheng@126.com

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