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2017年5月10日至12日,波兰卡托维兹市将承办一场重要的经济会议,即为期三天的第九届欧洲经济大会(The 9thEuropean Economic Congress (EEC)),这是中东欧地区最重要的经济论坛。来自欧洲地区的各专员、总理和欧洲国家的各政府代表、企业代表、社会学家和实践者以及对经济社会生活有实质影响的决策者都将参与其中将就欧洲面临的主要挑战、欧洲未来的发展等问题进行探讨和交流。
为了方便各界华人人士参加此次欧洲经济大会有关中国的主题研讨会,请您参考下列日程。 11 May2017 | 9.30–11.00 From a globalperspective. Co-operation between China and Central Europe Therole of the Chinese economy in the global market Chinain the economic policy of the European Union and the countries of CentralEurope Onthe New Silk Road. The importance of, and prospects for, the ‘One Belt, OneRoad’ project
11 May2017 | 11.30–13.00 Economic relationsbetween China and Poland Polandin China and China in Poland – the balance to date, and experiences Prospectsand conditions for bilateral relations Strategicsectors, promising industries and common ambitions
11 May2017 | 11.30–13.00 Global agreementsor protectionism? 11 May2017 | 15.30–17.00 Economicsuperpowers on the rising tide of change TheUnited Kingdom, the USA and China – three continents and three directions ofexpansion Economicand social transformations in the Middle Kingdom. Does China play a new role inthe world? Chinaand Europe: What can we offer? The New Silk Road as an opportunity for Poland.
12 May2017 | 13.30–15.00 The TMTM TransportCorridor and the development of economic contacts between Europe and Asia
更多信息、及注册请访问官方网址 www.eecpoland.eu
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▌来源:公开信息 ▌编辑整理: 普华永道波兰、中东欧
普华永道波兰官方网站:https://www.pwc.pl/zh/china-business-group.html 普华永道联络人微信:PwC_PL 普华永道中东欧微信公众号:普华永道中东欧