ŚWINOUJŚCIE, Platan Complex
Location: Swinoujscie, ul. 11 Listopada, Wojska Polskiego, Malczewskiego i Chelmonskiego 地理位置
Deadline: March 2009 截止日期
Number of apartments: 131 公寓号码
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 42 可以提供42套
Prices: from 5,327 PLN/m2 价格/平米
Payment system: 20/80 付款方式: 首付20%
Discount: yes 折扣
WISŁA, Bukowa Gora
Wisła, ul. Bukowa 17
Deadline: XI 2008
Number of apartments: 53
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group
: 12
Prices: from 7,820 PLN/m2
Payment system: 10/90
Discount: yes
BYDGOSZCZ, Arkada Park
Location: Bydgoszcz, ul. Zupy
Deadline: XII 2008
Number of apartments: 96
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group : 20
Prices: from 5,500 PLN/m2
Payment system: 10/90
Discount: yes
KOLOBRZEG, Zdrojowa 3
Location: Kolobrzeg, ul.Zdrojowa 3
Deadline: 2Q 2008
Number of apartments: 120
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group : 40
Prices: from 7,300 PLN
Payment system: 20/80
Discount: yes
GDANSK, Nad Jarem
Location: Gdansk, ul.Guderskiego
Deadline : 2Q 2009
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 60
Prices: from 5,200 PLN
Payment system: 25/75 or installments
Discount: yes
WARSAW, HubertusLocation: Warsaw, Mokotów, ul.Obrzeżna
Deadline: 1Q 2009
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 12
Prices: from 8,750 PLN
Payment system: 20/80 or installments
Discount: yes
POZNAN, Osiedle Grunwald
 Location: Poznan, ul.Poznanska
Deadline: 1Q 2008
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 50
Prices: from 4,900 PLN
Payment system: 20/80 or installments
Discount: yes
Location: Swinoujscie, ul.Uzdrowiskowa
Deadline: 3Q 2008
Number of apartments: approx. 196
Number of apartments offered by
CEE Property Group: 31
Prices: from 7,885 PLN
Payment system: 10/90
Discount: yes
POZNAN, ul. Długosza
Location: Poznan, ul. Długosza
Deadline: 3Q 2008
Number of apartments: approx. 170
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 60
Prices: from 5,950 PLN
Payment system: installments
Discount: no
CRACOW, Osiedle Eldorado

Location: Cracow, Park Pilotów
Deadline: 2Q 2008
Number of apartments: approx.120
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: more than ten
Prices: from 7,460 PLN
Payment system: 15/15/70
Discount: no
GDANSK, Osiedle Swietokrzyskie
Location: Gdansk, ul. Guederskiego
Deadline: 4Q 2007
Number of apartments: approx.100
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 25
Prices: from 4,200 PLN
Payment system: 20/80
Discount: yes
POZNAN, Osiedle Pod Platanami
Location: Poznan, ul.Rolna
Deadline: 4Q 2007
Number of apartments: more than 100
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 25
Prices: from 5,950 PLN
Payment system: installments
Discount: no
WARSAW, Melody ParkLocation: Warsaw, Mokotów, Bacha Street
Deadline: 4Q 2009
Number of apartments: 282
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 40
Prices: from 8,900 PLN
Payment system: 20/80
Discount: yes
WARSAW, Osiedle Hubertus Location: Warsaw, Mokotów, ul.Obrzeżna
Deadline: 3Q 2008
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 31
Prices: from 7,800 PLN
Payment system: installments
Discount: yes
POZNAN, Budynek apartamentowy nad Warta
 Location: Poznan, ul.Szyperska
Deadline: 3Q 2008
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 15
Prices: from 15,000 PLN
Payment system: installments
Discount: no
MIEDZYZDROJE, Budynek apartamentowy
Location: Miedzyzdroje, Al. Promenada Gwiazd
Deadline: 2008
Number of apartments offered by CEE Property Group: 15
Prices: from 15,000 PLN
Payment system: installments
Discount: n |