A Polish magazine has sparked anger after publishing a front cover image depicting a white woman being molested by a group of dark-skinned men. 在一家波兰杂志封面上,一名白人女性被一群黑人男性骚扰,引爆了公众怒火。 The far-right weekly wSieci (Network) mocked up the picture to illustrate an issue dedicated to discussing the rape and sexual assault of women by migrants across Europe. 极右周刊wSieci(网络版)模仿真人拍摄图片,以此诠释关于欧洲移民强奸和骚扰女性的讨论这一事件。 It shows a half-naked blonde woman, who is wrapped in the flag of Europe, screaming as she is groped by six hands next to the headline: ’Islamic Rape of Europe’. 照片中,一名半裸的金发女性,身裹欧洲国旗,身体正在被六只手摸索,她放声尖叫,身旁的标题写道:“穆斯林强奸欧洲”。 Bartosz wrote: ’This embarrasses me as a Pole. Bartosz 写道:这让我尴尬到了极点。 It doesn’t matter that wSieci is a far right tabloid... this is unacceptable.’ “这和它是极右报纸无关……这让人无法接受。” However, other users welcomed the magazine’s stance, saying it would open up the debate on the migrant crisis. 然而,另外一些用户却很欢迎报纸的立场,说这将开启关于移民危机的争辩。 Account named Is HillaryInJailYet said: ’Polish magazine wSieci writes about the refugee rape culture in Germany. Finally people are talking about this.’ 账户名为HillaryInJailYet 的人说:“波兰杂志wSieci 写出了德国的难民强奸文化。终于,人们正在讨论它。” The edition features hard-hitting articles titled ’Does Europe want to commit suicide?’ and ’The Hell of Europe’, it was reported by Breitbart. 据布莱巴特报道,这篇态度强硬的专栏名为“欧洲想要自杀吗?”“欧洲的地狱”。 In its preview, the magazine says: ’In the new issue of the weekly Network, a report about what the media and Brussels elite are hiding from the citizens of the European Union.’ 杂志的导言写道:“新一期的每周网刊中,有一篇关于媒体和布鲁塞尔精英正在向欧盟公民隐藏什么的报道。” Its main feature goes on to accuse the authorities of allowing sex assaults by migrants to escalate well before they were brought into the spotlight by events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve when hundreds of women reported being attacked. 这篇报道主要控诉当局纵容移民性侵,使得该问题升级,科隆新年期间,成百上千的女性被袭击,使得这一问题被置于聚光灯下。 Earlier this week, prosecutors said most of the suspects identified in connection with the robberies and sexual assaults in Cologne were refugees. 本周早些时候,检察官说,科隆的大部分与抢劫及性侵事件有关的嫌疑人都是移民。 The crimes, described as unprecedented by authorities, sparked uproar in Germany and a heated debate about the country’s ability to integrate almost 1.1 million people who sought asylum there last year. 官方将这些犯罪称作史无前例的,去年,它们在德国范围内引起了骚动,一场关于国家整合近110万寻求庇护之人的能力的讨论由此展开。 Cologne prosecutor Ulrich Bremer said 73 suspects have been identified so far - most of them from North Africa. 科隆检察官Ulrich Bremer说,迄今为止未知被认定的73名嫌疑犯中,大部分都来自北非。 Other countries including Denmark, Sweden and Norway have reported a spike in sexual assaults. 包括丹麦、瑞典和挪威在内的其他国家已经被报道达到性侵最高峰。 来源:Daily Mail