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发表于 2006-11-2 23:00:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

澳洲播放的韓國宣傳片中,一篇韓國學者發表的論文,說明了漢字是古代韓國人發明並傳播到中原。 书院,文学论坛,图书,战略,装备,游戏,投资,理财,股票,网络,证券,SOHO,虚拟文学,中文论坛,春秋中文,贴图,小说,历史,战争历史,中国历史`Mi&D\T
I insist that the so-called Chinese character (Hanja in Korean) was probably invented and developed by Korean ancestors or, at least, other non-Chinese nomadic people who spoke in Altaic or related languages, although the populous Chinese also have used it as their basic writing systems. I believe the number of population of any ethnic group should not be a factor that obscures the origin. I explain some evidences. I insist that the so-called Chinese character (Hanja in Korean) was probably invented and developed by Korean ancestors or, at least, other non-Chinese nomadic people who spoke in Altaic or related languages, although the populous Chinese also have used it as their basic writing systems. I believe the number of population of any ethnic group should not be a factor that obscures the origin. I explain some evidences.
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