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发表于 2007-8-25 08:03:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
日期: 18-03-2006 至 21-03-2006 地点: 波兰,华沙和克拉科夫 活动: 旅游 摄影类,图片说明: 我在波兰五天一个人旅游的所有的图片,除了首都华沙,还有克拉科夫一日游的照片,克拉科夫是以前的首都。 相机品牌: Olympus Camedia Digital Camera C-50 Zoom。 素数: 500万。 储存记忆卡: 512 MB Olympus XD-Picture Card。 拍摄过程,制图构思: 2006年复活节期间,我买了一张飞机票到波兰旅游。原因是在这期间旅客比较少,因为是冬天刚过,但天气还是蛮冷的。飞机票也比较便宜。到处我还是可以看到冬天的雪与冰,还有波兰人盼望冬天到来的心情。波兰在第二世界大战中遭到的跛坏,还是到处可见。但它发展的非常快,高楼与科技也赶紧追上先进国。由于靠近苏联,有很多习俗都与苏联相近。 抓拍心得: 波兰旅客比较少,亚洲旅客更少,黑头发黑眼睛的人是稀少。感觉好像只有我一个是旅客。关于波兰,最令人震叹的事,应该就是在第二世界大战超过于一百万犹太人在波兰丧生。它的历史是活生生地在眼前的。虽然遭过残酷的战争,但我多数是拍比较彩色的波兰。 制图的工具: Hosting - http://imageshack.us/, resize - Windows resize (可以在http://imageshack.us/下载) 制图过程: 先把拍的照片resize到适合的尺寸(800 x 600 横的, 1024 x 768 直的), 少于1024kb, 然后把照上载到 http://imageshack.us/, 然后再放进帖子。加上图的解释。再排序。 波兰人是十分友善的。它的语言十分艰难,大多数的波兰人也不说英文,但当我问路时,我可以看得出他们是非常乐于帮忙。 Date: 18-03-2006 to 21-03-2006 Place: Warsaw and Krakow, Poland Activity: Travelling Photo types, explanations: Photos were taken during my 5-day trip to Poland Camera Brand: Olympus Camedia Digital Camera C-50 Zoom Pixel: 500,000 Memory card: 512 MB Olympus XD-Picture Card The photographing process and ideas: I bought myself a ticket to Poland during the Easter Festive season. The whether was still chilly in Poland although it has just passed its winter. Generally there are fewer tourists during this period. Logically, the price of the air-ticket is cheaper too. Ice was still visible all around even in the city area. I can also see the Polish’s eagerness for the coming of spring, and the leaving of the cold winter. Second World War leaves an ugly mark in Poland. However with its rapid development, signs of technology and advancement are catching up just as fast. my feelings and ideas: Compared to other European countries, Poland has fewer tourists, especially tourists from Asia. Asians are rare sightings in Poland. Poland is enriched with history, more than 1 million Jewish died in World War II. Photographs can only show what happened physically, the history behind it will remain in the heart of Polish people vividly. Most of the photographs I took will be the more colourful side of Poland. Processing tools: Hosting - http://imageshack.us/, resize - Windows resize (you can download at http://imageshack.us/) The process of making and tidying photos: Firstly, resize the photos to the suitable size, i.e. 800 x 600 horizontally, 1024 x 768 vertically, less than 1024kb, and then upload to http://imageshack.us/, finally transfer to here. Polish are very friendly. They speak a difficult language with fewer vowels in their words. I still can see their hospitality whenever I ask for directions. They will try to help me as much as possible, although they seldom speak English. 请进入网站:www.Qiu Hao.com [ 本帖最后由 指路人 于 2007-8-25 06:06 编辑 ]
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