From 2.00 - 4.00 PM the “Presidental March”,下午两点到四点总统游行
The route of the march goes through the Royal Route via streets: Krolewska(起始点) - Krakowskie Przedmiescie - Nowy Świat – Plac Trzech Krzyzy – Aleje Ujazdowskie – Plac Na Rozdrozu - Belwederska(终点). From 4.00 AM on November 11th this route will be excluded from regular traffic. Due to the march from 2.00-3.00 PM temporary suspension of public transportation services may happen at Aleje Jerozolimskie and Charles de Gaulle Roundabout(下午两点到三点交通管制 Aleje Jerozolimskie and Charles de Gaulle Roundabout).
From 11.00 AM - 1.00 PM the “Independence Run” (marathon).(早十一点到下午一点 独立日马拉松)
The route goes along Jana Pawła II Avenue(起始点) – on the section between the streets Stawki and Rakowiecka. Temporary difficulties in traffic may occur at Jan Pawła II Avenue including the crossing with Aleje Jerozolimskie nearby the Warsaw Central Railway Station.
From 03.00 - 08.00 PM the “Independence March” 最最危险的部分独立日游行(下午三点到八点),往年的经验,波兰新纳粹和极端种族主义者会闹事打砸,围观请靠近防暴警察,远离游行队伍,围观请身着看了不对劲就跑的轻便衣服,带上帽子不会轻易让别人看出你是亚洲人的装束..防暴警察会动用催泪瓦斯,橡皮子弹,高压水枪,远离穿着运动服运动鞋,戴棒球帽,拿围巾罩住嘴鼻的波兰男人. 警察会戒严市中心的游行路线的附近的大片区域.
Route: Dmowskiego Roundabout(起始点) – Marszałkowska – Waryńskiego – Puławska – Goworka – Spacerowa – Belwederska – Aleje Ujazdowskie – Plac Na Rozdrożu. Groups of football fans may be present. Serious difficulties in traffic are expected. There is a possibility of disturbance to public order and police actions. It is highly recommended to stay away from the area of the demonstration.
From 06.00- 10.00 PM the “Protest against unemployment”,晚上六点到十点 反失业示威,地点人民文化宫
Area: Plac Defilad in front of the Palace of Culture and Science. No serious difficulties in traffic are expected, but some restrictions to direct access to Palace main entrance may occur. |