Once we have received your documents and your payment, we will let the legalized application documents translate into the Polish language by a sworn translator and then send the documents to the Department of Education in Wrocław to receive
a certificate of nostrification. WUT will initially pay for the above mentioned translation. The candidate refund this amount to the WUT bank account after his/her arrival.
这是他们发给我的下一步工作指导. 请问一下 很色部分, 是不是就是认证过程??? 那我寄给他们的材料是不是只需要公证就可以了?? 如果不是的话 材料公证后 要在哪儿认证? 本人不在北京 可以寄给认证机关认证吗?
其次学校要求给他们汇学费 中国哪个银行可以汇学费给他们??
还有 他们要求寄给他们健康证明, 体检在哪儿做呢? 健康证明是否需要公证呢??
谢谢楼上的回复 那个资力证明我已经办妥了
可能是学校不一样的原因 WUT 要求必须出具资力证明
Our Dept. of Education which issues the Certificate of Nostrification requires only Certificate from the Chinese Dept. of Education that your "Secondary school certificate" entitles you to undertake study at universities in your country.
所以 希望DIY留学的同学 严格按照学校老师的指导 准备材料 如果有不明白的 一定要先弄明白之后再办 免得花冤枉钱