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竞争优势: 一个波兰客户的案例分析

发表于 2007-5-16 10:50:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在与客户的确认过程中,价格的反复沟通是最艰难的. 完全是一场心理战. 客户开始要求降价20%, 我坚持按我们的报价. 经过不断的解释和努力最终让客户接受了我们的价格. 因为在报价过程中工作失误将A4dddd价格报错, 第一时间告知了客户. 此笔订单按已经报的价格. 客户承诺在后面的订单中接受公司正确的价格. 订单后, 因为几个样品使用了不同的棕色针纹, 市场上也找不到相同的颜色的材料.采购部要求我与客户确认接受使用接近的棕色材料. 棕色哩布也使用了不同的颜色, 也找不到相同颜色的, 让我与客户沟通让客户接受现有的棕色哩布. 客户确认接受接近的材料. 2006年年初, 客户返单:A4dddd 按我们正常的价格订单. 客户指定的公司进行了验货, 出示验货报告"合格", 但出现一些比较"文明"的质量问题: 线头很多,一些产品面上有擦伤, 有胶水等. 我陪验货公司验货发现有一些文件夹的线头有10几厘米长. 车线重线很多都超过5CM,而且没有经过处理. 产品清洁度也是一个问题. 客户对验货报告的回复: 没有严重的质量问题, 出货吧. 2006年6月2号, 客户要求对eeee返单310个及490个. 因为棕色材料与公司一个长期客户的材料相同, 所以在数量上没有问题; 而黑色材料却出现了问题: 没有与以前订单相同的材料. 我与客户按以下方式沟通: (已经增加出口费用150美金并要求一次性付款以减少银行费用) 1. 黑色材料现在只有PU料,比以前的成本要高出140多美金;(采购部确认以前的PVC料没有现货.) 2. 按以前相同材料最小订单量将材料订回来(最小订单量足够生产此文件夹1000个), 要求客户支付剩余材料的费用. 如果相同材料有订单, 在后面的材料费用中扣除. 客户回复如下(翻译如下): ********************************************************** NEIL: 我不得不说这对我们有一些不公平. 你们推荐的材料应该是有库存的. 在我们第一次订单的时候, 你们应该告诉我们这些材料你们是不做库存的,而且每次都必须特殊订做. 我一直没有从其他供应商那里听说有这样的事情. 每次我订单,他们都知道使用什么材料. 他们从来都不会与我在材料方面进行确认,而且从来不要求我接受接近的材料. 但在你们这里每次订单你们都询问我是否可以接受接近的材料或类似的事情. 对我来说这有些不合情理. 同时, 在我下订单到其他供应商时没有此类问题出现. 这就是说,我不用等他们订到材料. 在我下订单的当天或次日,我们就可以确定订单. 等材料确认再确认订单对我来说有些可笑. 我以为你们会做一些库存来满足客户的需要. 请注意, 对文件夹产品, 有许多许多的供应商. 在展会上,我们就找到了很多很好的公司,象友利"Yaulee". 他们发信函给我们希望与我们合作,但最终我们选择了你们. 但有时我们感觉你们并没有把我们当合作伙伴来对待. 再问你们一次, 是否能在此订单材料上支持我们? 如果将剩余材料费用加到订单上, 我们的成本就上涨了21%, 增加了太多对我们来说是个大麻烦. 能否在此订单上帮助我们呢? ********************************************************** 在此客户的开发过程中, 业务人员能够做的就是我现在做的. 不管是生产部也好, 业务部也好, 市场部也好, 大家都是在一个公司. 现在给客户的实际印象是这样的. 作为业务, 在价格上与客户讨价还价, 在产品上与客户沟通. 现在给客户的印象却是: 一直让客户接受. 这是我们公司实际存在的问题. 也是我们公司给众多客户提供的服务的一个缩影. 在此问题上我的处理建议: 此黑色材料多出的部分,我们作库存. 在其他订单中使用. 通过此客户的案例, 大家一起反思一下作为供应商我们应该怎么做. 公司的发展不仅仅是市场部门或业务人员的事,而是公司所有部门的事情. 现在市场紧缩, 客户除了接受, 还可选择. 后附我与客户沟通的一些信函. 刘先生/NEil 大家发表一下自己的看法. Neil So it is a little bit unfair for us I must say. The material you propose should be on your stock - when we placed the first order - in my opinion you should tell us that this material you do not keep on stock and every time you will have to special order it. I have never had any problems with the other supplier for the portfolios - every time I order they know what material they should use - they never ask me for this and they never tell me to accept the similar material. But here every time I place the order you tell me something about the material - if I can accept the similar one or something else. It is somewhat ridiculous for me. Also when I place the order to our other supplier they never have the material problems - meaning I never have to wait until they order the material - one day I place an order and the same day or on the next day I have the PI For me it is very funny to wait for the material order and in my opinion you should have some material on stock - to fulfill your customer needs. Please note there are many, many suppliers from the portfolios - many of those suppliers exhibit at the fair - very good companies like Yaulee etc. They write us, want to cooperate with us and we have chosen you anyway - but sometimes I get the impression that we are not treated as a partner. I would like to ask you again to help us on the case and hold for us this material as it will really bring us trouble with margin. If you divide the 450 you want to charge us for 490 (quantity)= the purchasing price will go up about 1,02 usd and this will bring us increase about 21%. This is very high increase and we will have big trouble. Can't you try to help us on this case? Best Regards, ********************************************************** 06-06-05 16:53 >>> Dear EG, Your letter well received. For the material problem, we have met it with many customers. And we deal with them all by the method I told you(the second one in last letter). That's our company rule, it is beyond my ability. So please re-consider it. Best regards, NEil ********************************************************** Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 4:43 PM Subject: Odp: Re: Re: DECLARATION Neil, I accept the second choice, however if you charge us 450 additional usd in this order our purchasing price will go up and that means our real margin will go down. As we can not higher the price to the customer - because we already settled the price on the stable level - we will loose some money. I would recommend keeping the material on the stock for the next order but do not charge us for the material now - as this should be a problem for us. With next order of this product we will use this material. Increasing the price now and reducing it later will cause are margin problems - so I hope you can help us on this matter. Thank you and have a nice day! Best Regards, ********************************************************** 06-06-05 07:43 >>> Dear EG, We have checked with the suppliers for the black material. They don't have the exact same material as former order and the new material is better and expensive than the former one. The addtional cost on this material is 140.60 US dollars. I have optional method. For the same material as former order, the min order quantity is 540 yards. It's enough for 1000 pcs. And now you have order for 490 pcs, the rest is 510 pcs. We would keep the rest material for 510 pcs in our stock. That would come to your account now and if you have next order, we can cut down the material cost from the amount. The material cost for 510 pcs is 455.6 USD/pc. Please advise us your opinion. Best regards, NEil ********************************************************** Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 3:34 PM Subject: Odp: Re: DECLARATION Neil 5 July is okay for me. Thank you Best Regards, ********************************************************** 06-06-02 09:28 >>> Dear EG, Well noted. I would send you the confirmation as soonest as possible. For this order, I plan the delivery around 5th July, 2006. Because our orders are full of June, 2006. If you have special requirements on delivery, please advise me. I would negotiate with our manufacturing department. Best regards, NEil ********************************************************** Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 3:19 PM Subject: Odp: Re: ReECLARATION Nail Thank you - I will be waiting and I need to ask you for your prompt action on this case so we will not lose a lot of time. thank you Best Regards, EG ********************************************************** 06-06-02 08:40 >>> Dear EG, The declaration attached. The PI is ready and I am waiting for the information of the black material from our purchasing department. I would send PI to you in the first time while I get confirmation for the material. If you have any enquiries for the products made of nylon, leather, PU, PVC, Microfiber, Please feel free to send us one copy. Best regards, NEil (来源:福步外贸论坛)
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