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[旅游问题] 一个人的波兰行~~~求tips

发表于 2011-5-14 11:31:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
小女子7月份要去Gdansk University of Technolohy 参加conference....教授就让我一个人去。话说是挺感谢他的,一个名额就给我了,还告诉我顺便去周围玩玩。可是,这活了20多年的第一次单独行动,还是在人生地不熟,语言不通的波兰。。。各位大虾们,麻烦给点tips吧。

6月30号下午到布拉格,在布拉格玩1天半,7月1号晚上坐overnight sleeper train到克拉科夫。周末在克拉科夫玩2天,7月4号坐火车去Gdansk,下午到,周二早上开始,周五下午结束。。。7月8号下午坐火车去华沙,9号在华沙玩一天,晚上坐overnight sleeper train 回到布拉格,10号下午的飞机回新加坡。。。

请问这个安排如何啊?旅行社说不能帮我提前订火车票。。。到了再买有没有问题啊?特别是overnight的,会不会买不到卧铺票啊?一个女生做overnight sleeper train,会不会有不安全啊?

发表于 2011-5-14 22:10:29 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-15 02:19:16 | 显示全部楼层
hello ,  firstable you have be very careful .... and here in Poland , on the train you have not a given seat , so you again have to be quick to get a seat or a bed ...   last time i took the overnight train from Gdansk to warsaw  ,it was a seat  , not a bed ...so you'ld better ....  you got me ?  here in poland , the younger group can speak English , so during your trip , if you any problem just find a younger buddy and ask   , by the way , polish people are really friendly and kind ...so do not hesitate to ask ....right  do not forget to get  a map of the every destination  , in Poland , just near the train station ,we have the infomation center and you can ask any question ....and do not worry you can buy ticket when you arrive . here it is not like in China that you have to queue up for hundreds of hours ....and do not be very late in the evening , cause you konw , everywhere there are always some people that not very ... you knoe what i mean ... All right then   hope you could have a very happy trip ..... one more thing , at the train station you have to find INTER this logo to buy ticket and usually they can speak English

使用道具 举报

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