但是,如果直接把这些话翻译成英语“I want to have a hamburger.”" I want to have a coffee." 英国人会觉得你很没有礼貌,当然他们也不会直接告诉你。他们一般会说“Could I have a hamburger, please?”"Can I have a coffee, please?"
hmmm as not chinese person, who talking well everday with Chinese people- I must say its true! but in fact some of them already adopt very well to ''english standards'' :) so its only matter of learning, skills and habbits :)
刚到波兰的时候我也觉得跟波兰人每句话都带着“请”、“谢谢”的习惯比起来,中国人的讲话方式不够礼貌。但后来越来越琢磨出汉语中对“礼貌”、“客气”的表达方式是有所不同的。比如说,我们对动词进行重叠,或者在动词后面加“一下儿”,就是一种削弱语气,使表达变得更婉转柔和的方法,例句如,“你进来一下”,“你看看这个”,比起“你进来”,“你看这个”,语气要柔缓很多。如果翻译成英语,大概也要翻译成“could you please come in?","could you please see this"。也就是说,虽然不使用礼貌用语,但同样显示了礼貌客气的姿态。