发表于 2011-11-7 18:41:06
l.l.xiong 发表于 2011-11-6 22:10 
a wlasnie, ze piszac po Polsku daje mozliwosc niektorym z Was nauki jezyka kraju w ktorym przebywacie :) a skroty jezykowe w polskim jezyku sa powszechne! nikogo nie obrazam ani trescia ani nieprzyzwoitymi (vel wulgarnymi) slowami. Poza tym to forum jest otwarte jak mniemam dla wszystkich, bez wzgledu na rase i pochodzenie i kazdy ma prawo napisac co mysli (autor tekstu jest jego ''artysta''). Mysle ze jednak nie zupelnie dobrze przetlumaczylas moj nonsens, i nie zrozumialas o co mi w nim chodzilo...ale nie w tym sens, problem masz chyba tylko dlatego, ze ja proboje sie uczyc waszego jezyka i waszej kultury a co wiecej ja zrozumiec, a Ciebie jakos razi to ze ''tu'' wogole jestem.
Ps. Tak na marginesie: znaczek '' ;) '' to usmiech!
- oh here is in english if you have problems with polish: Actually I think that writing in Polish gives you the opportunity to learn some language of the country where you are staying/living at the moment :) In Polish the language abbreviations are common! I did not offence any body by content of my post or nor by content of vulgar words.
Besides, this forum is open to all as I think, regardless of race and origin, and everyone has the right to write his/her own thoughts (I bellieve that author of the text is as ''artist'' so way of writing and puncation depend on his/her will).
By the why I think that You did not quite good translate my ''nonsense'', and did not understand what I really meant, but this is not the matter now.
I think that you have problem with me, that I'm willing to learn your language and your culture and what is more important I'm trying to understand it, and you are in somehow/somewhy annoyed by the fact that i'm ''here'' and I'm trying - why?
- here should be translation in chinese language but Im not on that level yet!