the regulation enters into force on 5 april 2010, which means that from that date.
1. All valid long-stay visas will allow for free circulation in the Schengen area for the three months in a six month-period. A third-country niational holding a long-stay D visa issued by a member state will be allowed to travel to the other member states for the three months in any half year, under the same conditions as the holder of a residence permit. (In accordance with regulation, this rule also applies to long stay visas already issued before 5 april 2010, including still valid D+C visas)
Polish national long-stay visas entitle their holders to one, a maximum 5 day visa free transit through the Schengen territory (only on the way to Poland). --以上内容所说波兰长期签证只能自由往返于波兰和第三国家,过境不超过5天。
不是自由往返吧 , 貌似是说来波兰(应该是第一次入境波兰时)的路上路径其他申根国可以享有免签最多5天吧