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Declan Galbraith- An angel

发表于 2010-3-14 17:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


I Wish I had your pair of wings
I had them last night in my dreams
I was chasing butterflies
till the sunrise broke my eyes

Tonight the sky has glued my eyes
'cause what they see's an angel hive
I've got to touch that magic sky
and greed the angels in their hive

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you

All the sweet honey from above
pour it all over me sweet love
and while you're flight around my head
your honey kisses keep me fed

I wish I had your pair of wings
just like last night in my dreams
I was lost in paradise
wish I'd never open my eyes

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you

But there's danger in the air
trying so hard to be unfair
danger's in the air
trying so hard to keep us scared
but we're not afraid

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
I wish I were you
oh I wish I were you
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-14 17:25:18 | 显示全部楼层
Danny boy


Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling,
from glen to glen and down the mountains side.
The summer's gone and all the leafs are falling,
it's you, it's you, must go and I must cry.
But come me back, when summer's in the meadows,
or when the valleys hushed and white with snow.
And I'll be there in sunshine or in shadow.
Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And when you come and all the flowers are dying
If I am dead - as dead I well may be
You'll come and find a place where I am lying
And kneel and say an Ave there for me:
And I shall hear though soft your tread above me.
And all my grave shall warmer, sweeter be,
For you will bend and tell me that you love me
And I shall live in peace, until you come to me.

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