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[出售] 索波特海滨城市出售一家中餐馆

发表于 2010-3-5 17:45:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们在海滨旅游城市sopot 耗资30万ZL开了一家中餐厅,这家原来就是中餐厅,已有十八年历史,我们接手八个月又从新装修了一遍,很漂亮所有手续都搞定,耗了六个月时间与12月开张到现在已3个月,因为是在淡季开张生意不理想,大家应知道sopot是非常漂亮的城市夏天旅游的人爆满,眼看旺季即将到来,就在此时恰恰我们的公司在海外他国遇上金融危机,资金周转困难,现在要放弃波兰市场,很急,可以说是抛掉我们的饭店,店面总面积217平米大堂130平米后堂包括办公室厨师睡觉房间厨房仓库等一应具全,租金7200ZL每月冬天要加暖气费,是政府房产,如将来房产出售承租人是第一购买人,sopot是格但斯克格地区房地产价格最高的地方,原来的本饭店主人营业额常在5万到7万左右,地段很好,在一楼前面的橱窗是自己换的全是塑钢的,大厅还有一架钢琴,很够档次,如谁有意可尽快和我联系,少花钱办大事,价钱可以随意商量,我们的公司在波兰是没有任何问题的,我们公司还有8万多的VAT税退税额度,我们想连公司一起出售,这样谁今天接手明天就可营业,sopot办劳动许可一次给3年,很方便,,,,请联系506069986 老鲁即可,skype haqiang957也可联系,要快!!!!低价绝对的,生意人绝对喜欢快,什么都可以商量,。。我们公司是贸易公司,在波兰亏损180万美元,对此地没有兴趣了,,,,。
发表于 2010-3-6 16:54:33 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-3-11 15:47:30 | 显示全部楼层
How to Choose Gold Clubs

Choosing a golf club can be very difficult if you are an experienced, much less a beginner. The reason finding the right golf clubs are so hard is because there are so many types, designs, and features you have to consider in correlation to your skill, swing and needs.
The following golf club overview might help you choose the right golf club for you, or at least narrow it down. The cast iron golf club is made from cast iron and the majority of the weight of the taylormade r9 driver is around the perimeter. Because of this the sweet spot is larger and this type of golf club is really great for beginners or those who have trouble making full contact.

The taylormade r9 irons is generally used by professionals simply because of its design and function. The center of the golf club is the center of gravity and the front of the club is a bit heavier. If you are an experienced player then you might consider a forged iron golf club.

Midsize taylormade 09 burner irons are great because they have a bigger sweet spot and are a bit larger than the standard golf club. Average players frequently use midsize golf clubs because they are easy to control and have a larger sweet spot.
Another good golf clubs are the callaway x hybrid. This kind of clubs is very sturdy. Oversized golf clubs are generally used by seniors and individuals who have a hard time hitting the ball straight on. ishiner

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