Dear Weily,
Thank you for your inquiery. In this kind of matter, please contact the Embassy of Finland in Poland. Embassy of FinlandUl. Fr. Chopina 4/800-559 WarszawaPoland tel. +48 22 598 9500email:<>web page:<> 以上是航空公司给我的一些信息
Long-stay national visas entitle their holders to one visa-free transit of maximum 5 days through the Schengen territory in order to reach the territory of the Schengen country which issued the visa, unless they fail to fulfil the entry conditions (see above) or they are on the national list of alerts of the Schengen country through the territory of which they seek to transit. Any next transit through the territories of Schengen States, irrespective of its destination, is possible only with a transit visa.