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波兰媒体凭空炮制 最有天赋的失败者

发表于 2009-2-24 06:10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
北京时间2月24日,据波兰某著名体育网站报道,特雷西-麦克格雷迪是篮球运动史上最具天赋的球员之一,然而到现在为止他还两手空空。前不久他刚刚接受了左膝手术,也宣布告别本赛季剩余比赛。他的队友和教练居然是通过媒体得知的这个消息。  大约五年前,他被奥兰多魔术队交易至休斯顿,人们把他和新队友姚明的组合同鲨鱼-科比的组合相提并论。前途看上去非常美好。在对阵马刺的比赛中,麦蒂在35秒内得到13分——连续四记三分,包括一次打四分,在最后时刻投中制胜三分偷走胜利。那个赛季他率领球队在西部排名第五。   不幸的,也是最关键的是,麦蒂总是和失败结下不解之缘。   2005年季后赛第一轮,火箭在小牛的主场连下两阵先声夺人。他们只需要在剩下的三场主场比赛中拿下两场就能够晋级,但是……在第三场的第四节,麦蒂从球场上消失了,小牛在一度落后8分的情况下翻盘。第四场和第三场异曲同工。在一战定生死的第七场,小牛队40分的分差将火箭钉在耻辱柱上。   两年之后,同样的剧情再次上演。在对阵爵士的系列赛中,火箭拥有主场优势。两支球队都轻松取得了各自主场的胜利,又一次,两队需要在休斯顿的第七场决定生死。麦蒂打得不错,但是他的球队再次失败了。之后,麦蒂在新闻发布会上泪如雨下。   上赛季,火箭队又一次对上了爵士,又一次拥有主场优势,但是在前两个主场全部失利后,他们最终输掉了整个系列赛。这次经历又添在了麦蒂的记录上,他七次打入季后赛,然而从来没有迈过第一轮。   今年本应该是与众不同的一年。他终于克服了自己的背伤,这在他的职业生涯中一直是一个巨大的问题。不幸的是,与以往需要同背伤作斗争不同,这一次他面对的是自己受伤的膝盖。十二月份,他错过了七场比赛;一月份,六场。每次背靠背比赛的第二场,他都不会出战。与往常一样,在全明星周末前他错过了一些比赛。在对阵雄鹿那场耻辱的比赛中,他9投仅1中,而且在快攻中错过了一次轻松的扣篮。   膝盖仍然在困扰着他,他决定再次接受核磁共振检查,征求不同医生的意见。在对阵国王的比赛之后,ESPN的记者,史蒂芬-A-史密斯宣称麦蒂已经决定进行一次微创手术,这也将导致他错过本赛季剩余比赛。   一切都发生在交易截止日前两天,这使得火箭队的管理层一筹莫展。主教练里克-阿德尔曼和总管达雷尔-莫雷都哑口无言了。然而几个小时之后,麦蒂在他的个人网站上发表了同样的内容。主教练阿德尔曼表示:“我同其他人所知道的一样。我认为应该有某种协议,他应当通过某种正当渠道,这样我们就有机会一起讨论球队现状,而不是把这个透露给媒体。我不知道为什么事情会发展成这样,为什么他会这么做,不过理所当然,事情不应该是这个样子办的。”   然而他的队友们并未放弃。至少现在,他们明白他们拥有那些队友,谁能够上场打球,他场上的表现如何。“我们终于可以更进一步了。我们不再需要担心谁能上场谁又不能上场。生活还要继续。”肖恩-巴蒂尔表示。   本赛季,火箭在麦蒂缺阵的情况下表现好得多。在麦蒂缺阵的情况下,他们20场比赛赢得了14场胜利。当然,即使他们今年依然不能通过第一轮,至少也和麦蒂无关。   (小鱼) 新浪体育讯 
发表于 2009-2-24 08:07:47 | 显示全部楼层
脆膝。。 唉,对他现在只有叹息了。。

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发表于 2009-2-24 09:38:46 | 显示全部楼层
看看脆膝的新blog: http://t-mac.com/tmac/blogDetail/1530 My Apology Just wanted to drop you all a line and give you an update. I’m having my surgery tomorrow, and while it’s always a little nerve-racking to go under the knife, I’m excited to take the first step towards getting healthy and getting back on the court. I’ve been overwhelmed by the support from friends and all you fans out there, and that makes me all the more eager to get through this surgery and rehab process so that I can get healthy and get back out there to do what I love to do. With that said I would like to apologize to Les Alexander, the Rockets organization, and of course all the fans out there for this entire situation. Les and the Rockets have been nothing short of amazing to me and my family during my entire time with them, and for that I thank them. The organization has invested so much in bringing a championship to Houston this season, and there’s nothing I want more than to be a part of that. The injuries have really taken a toll on me, and I can’t help but feel like I’m letting everyone down by not being out there with my teammates. I’m sorry to all those who were counting on me to help this team achieve great things. Coach Adelman has been extremely accommodating and patient with me while we have tried to work through this, and I am thankful to him for that. It’s hard enough to prepare night in and night out to go up against the best players in the world, and it’s even harder to do it without knowing the status of your players. This team still has a lot of talent and heart and I think coach will be able to get the most out of everyone. The Rockets have a chance to make a deep run, and I’ll be there cheering on my guys every step of the way. My personal focus now is to look forward and dedicate myself 100% to returning to the court and returning to be the player I was and know that I still am. Coming back from this won’t be easy, but I promise to rehab hard, listen to my doctors, and do everything possible in my power to be the best that I can be when I return. I love being a Rocket and a member of the Houston community and am eager to prove my commitment to this team and this city. Thank you again for your continued and unwavering support. Tracy

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