发表于 2008-8-4 17:32:27
Hi, I am XXXXX living in Poland with a tourist visa for 15 days. I have a polish girlfriend long time. How can we get marry and extension my visa. And what kind of document I need to get married?
The foreigner, who wants to get married with Polish citizen in front of Polish authority (both civil marriage and concordat marriage), has to deliver:
- document, which states that he/she can contract a marriage in accordance with law in foreigner’s country. This document should be issued by competent authority in foreigner’s country or by diplomatic agency.
- permit, which civil court issues, if above documents are hard to get,
- valid passport,
- Visa, if he/she stays in Poland temporarily, or other document, which entitle him/her to stay in Poland.
In Your situation, I advise You to apply for temporary residence permit (permission in time meant) after You will get married. Polish act about foreigners from 13.06.2003 says a lot about it. Art. 53 ust. 2 of this act states that temporary residence permit can be given to foreigner, who is married with Polish citizen. According to the art. 55 of the same act: Licensing authority, which conducts a procedure, investigates if contracting a marriage hasn’ t been a way to to evade the law. Investigation is carried, when there are fulfilled some circumstances:
- one of spouses got a benefit in return for contracting a marriage, unless this was a result of prevalent custom in a country or social group;
- spouses don’t execute legal duties which are the result of contracting a marriage;
- spouses don’t live together;
- spouses hadn’t met before the marriage was contracted;
- spouses don’t speak in a language which is comprehensible to both of them;
- spouses aren’t unanimous about personal data and other relevant circumstances which are related to them;
- one of them or both of them contracted fake marriages in the past.
If licensing authority states that contracting a marriage was a way to evade the law, permission won't be given. Such permission is issued for 2 years, which can be extended but, every time no longer than to 2 years. You should submit application to the appropriate administrative power, which is voivode of voivodeship, of your current place of living (the application should be available on the web site of every Voivodehip Office). After 3 years of marriage, You will can apply for settlement permit. Art. 64 ust. 1 pkt 2 of the act about foreigners states that settlement permit is issued to a foreigner, who is married with Polish citizen at least 3 years before he/she puts a motion and directly before putting a motion, and he/she stays constantly in Poland at least 2 years on the basis of temporary residence permit.