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发表于 2006-11-17 21:07:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Bring a dictionary, avoid middle-men and be prepared to slum it. That is the advice Polish workers travelling to Britain in search of work are learning thanks to a popular television programme. Bitwa O Anglie (Battle of Britain), a fly-on-the-wall documentary series, has charted the successes and failures of Poles who have headed abroad to find a better life since the country joined the European Union last May. About 1.5 million viewers have been tuning in every Monday to follow the fortunes of about 20 young Poles, from lawyers to coal miners, who have mostly struggled to succeed in western Europe but, thanks to the series, have become unlikely heroes back home. But while some achieve great success, managing to buy cars and bring their families to join them, others end up sleeping in supermarket car parks or under London bridges and are forced to borrow money to get the bus back to Poland. The highly popular 15-part series charts the progress of people such as 22-year-old Ewelina Dziadura, a dancer from Wroclaw, who arrived at a rainy Victoria bus station to make her fortune in the West End but ended up as a kissogram girl for a local radio station. Initially life looked gloomy for Dariusz Bryla, from Czestochowa, southern Poland. He found himself in the clutches of a Polish gang who, for a substantial fee, dumped him in Slough without a job. But three months' on, the 34-year old has wised up and is working for £12 an hour spray-painting cars. His wife and children are joining him. "We wanted to follow this new wave of Poles who have gone to Britain as economic immigrants, rather than as political ones as in times past," said Radoslaw Dunaszewski, the producer, who spent three months following Poles in London, Edinburgh and Dublin. The programme's title is deliberately provocative, he added, a direct reference to the Battle of Britain in 1940 in which the Polish military played a significant part. The producer was inspired by an interview with a drunken Pole sleeping rough in a railway station in London, having failed to find work.   "Our people were fighting in the war and we're repaid by having to fight for our existence like this. It's a bloody scandal," he said. About 100 coaches a week leave towns across Poland and head for Britain. That is 16,000 Poles a month but excludes the unknown and growing number of prospective cleaners and nannies who take budget flights from Warsaw, Krakow and Katowice. Mr Dunaszewski said he was often startled by the naivety of his countrymen. "Most headed to Britain with very little or no knowledge of English to ask for a job yet, against the odds, around 70 per cent succeeded," he said. “带一本英文字典;不要相信职业介绍所;做好到贫民窟生活的准备……”,这些对来英国淘金的波兰人的忠告,出自近段时间正在英国热播的电视纪录片《不列颠之战》。该片通过对20名波兰人的追踪拍摄,真实地纪录了他们在英国的“打工”生活。 据英国《每日电讯报》1月30日报道,自去年5月1日波兰加入欧盟后,一批又一批的波兰人带着他们的淘金梦来到英国,开始异乡的漂泊生活。15集的电视纪录片《不列颠之战》讲述了他们在追寻美好生活的过程中所发生的成功与失败的故事。从律师到矿工,这些人来自波兰各个行业,许多人都曾是事业有为者。他们来英国淘金,然而梦想却要比他们想象的艰难得多。他们中的成功者靠自己的辛苦打拼在英国买了车,还接来家人共享幸福生活;也有失败的人成了街头流浪汉,夜宿在超市停车场或是伦敦大桥下;还有一事无成者,沮丧地凑足路费登上回国的汽车。 22岁的齐亚杜拉原是波兰渥克兰市的一名舞蹈演员。几年前一个阴雨绵绵的晚上,齐亚杜拉乘坐长途汽车抵达维多利亚车站,开始了漂泊在伦敦的生活。然而,昔日这位怀着英国美梦的波兰舞蹈演员最终沦落为了伦敦西区的一个妓女。 对于来自波兰南部城市琴斯托霍瓦的布利拉而言,最初在伦敦的生活是很艰难的。为了找到工作,他几乎被一家波兰人开的职解所骗光身上所有的钱。辛运地是,34岁的布利拉终于在3个月之后找到了一份给汽车喷漆的工作,每小时可以挣12英镑。如今,布利拉已把妻子和孩子接来英国团聚。 彼得罗和兹齐斯瓦夫在波兰曾是矿工。两人在40岁后从波兰南部的格利维策市一起来到英国。到达都柏林后,为寻找一家便宜的旅舍他们徒步走了9英里(14.4公里)。经过一周的寻觅,两人终于在科克的一家高尔夫球场当上了月薪200英镑的除草工。 纪录片还讲述了28岁的巴西娅的故事。巴西娅本是华沙一家医院的护士。她放弃了月薪250英镑的安稳生活来到伦敦做起了一名家政服务员。目前,她正在替一户人家粉刷房屋。她说:“我以前从没做干过这样的活儿,但是当我得知每小时有5英镑的收入时,我欣然接受了。” 电视纪录片《不列颠之战》的制片人杜纳斯兹夫斯基同样是生活在英国的波兰人。他说:“我们过去关注的是那些来英国的波兰政治移民。如今,一批又一批的波兰淘金族引起了我们的兴趣。”为了完成这部纪录片,杜纳斯兹夫斯基在伦敦、爱丁堡和都柏林等城市对片中的20名波兰人进行了为期3个月的追踪拍摄。 他表示,将该片命名为《不列颠之战》有它特殊的意义。1940年,在德国空军对英国实施的空中进攻行动“不列颠之战”中,波兰军队曾帮助英军抵抗德军的侵略。他说:“二战时,我们的士兵为了不列颠浴血奋战;如今,我们得到的回报是,为了圆不列颠之梦还要继续作战。” 杜纳斯兹夫斯基介绍说,他曾经采访了一个睡在伦敦火车站的波兰醉汉,这个波兰人因为找不到工作而流落在伦敦街头。那次采访后,他便萌生了拍摄一部纪录波兰人在英国淘金生活的片子。 报道说,每周大约有100辆长途汽车从波兰出发前往英国;每月有1.6万波兰人来到英国,这一数字还不包括许多从华沙、克拉科夫和卡托维兹等波兰城市乘飞机来到英国的清洁工和保姆们。 杜纳斯兹夫斯基说,在拍摄过程中,他常常被自己同胞的经历所震惊,“大部分波兰人在根本不了解英国的情况下就来了,但不可思议的是,他们中70%的人还是成功地圆了自己的英国梦。”
发表于 2006-11-17 21:27:09 | 显示全部楼层

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