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[原创] 如何将Gadu-Gadu改为英文版

发表于 2008-4-10 15:59:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Gadu-Gadu in English! (Instruction by Czarny) DOWNLOAD THE PACK! - 1.79MB In pack there is: -Gadu-Gadu Install Program ( version 6.1 [157 build] ) -Gadu Gadu in English ( Patch ) If you have Gadu-Gadu on your computer go to point II. B If you want to install the English Patch for Gadu-Gadu, and you have got Polish Gadu-Gadu installed, you'll have to uninstall and delete all the Gadu-Gadu files because "Gadu-Gadu in English" is for an older version of Gadu-Gadu only. Now, you can proceed to the Installation. I. Installation of Gadu-Gadu 1. Extract the files from the archive and run the "Gadu-Gadu Install Program.exe" file. 2. You have to accept Gadu-Gadu License. Click "Zgadzam się". 3. Here you have two options: -"Dodanie skrótu Gadu-Gadu na pulpicie" - Add a Gadu-Gadu icon on the desktop -"Uruchamianie Gadu-Gadu przy starcie systemu" - Start Gadu-Gadu on the startup. Click "Dalej (Next)" 4. Select the destination folder - click "Przegladaj (Browse)" and then click "Instaluj (Install)" II. Create your Gadu-Gadu number / Run your old Gadu-Gadu number 1. Click "Dalej (Next)" 2. Click "Dalej (Next)" 3. Here you have two options: A "Jestem nowym uzytkownikiem- wybierz te opcje aby uzyskac nowy numer" - I'm the new user, choose this option if you want a new Gadu-Gadu number B "Mam juz swoj numer" - I already have a Gadu-Gadu number Here are two possibilities of installing the Gadu-Gadu in English patch: A I'm the new user, choose this option if you want a new Gadu-Gadu number -Choose first option and click "Dalej (Next)" -The registration... I'll explain some polish words: "Twaje haslo" - Your password "Powtorz haslo" - Repeat your password "Haslo musi zawierac co najmniej 5 znakow, moze zawierac wylacznie litery i cyfry" - Your password must contain at least 5 signs, you can use letters and numbers only "Zapamietaj haslo w programie" - Remember my password in the program "Adres email" - Your e-mail address If you filled everything in, click "Rejestruj (Register)" -Registration code "Odczytaj kod" - Read the code "... i przepisz go tutaj" - ... and write it here B I already have a Gadu-Gadu number -If you have somebody in your contact list. You can save this in Gadu Gadu server: Enter here and click "Eksport listy kontaktow (Export my contact list)" Now you choose "Eksport do servera Gadu-Gadu (Export on Gadu-Gadu server)" -If you already have Gadu-Gadu on your computer, you'll have to uninstall and delete all the Gadu-Gadu files because "Gadu-Gadu in English" is for an older version of Gadu-Gadu only. -Ok let's come back to the installation... Choose the second option and click "Dalej (Next)" -Run my Gadu-Gadu number. I explain some polish words: "Numer" - Your Gadu-Gadu number "Haslo" - Your password in this number "Zapamietaj haslo w programie" - Remember my password in the program ""Zaimportuj liste kontaktow z serwera" - Load my contact list from the Gadu-Gadu server Click "Zakoncz (Finish)" IV. How to patch Gadu-Gadu to English 1. Turn off the Gadu-Gadu 2. Go to the "Gadu-Gadu in English (patch)" folder and copy all the files (gg.exe file and ggphone folder) to your destination location with Gadu-Gadu. For exemple "C:\Program Files\Gadu-Gadu" 3. Overwrite the files. 4. Run ENGLISH GADU-GADU FROM : http://honmaru.gry-online.pl/forum/printview.php?t=650&start=0&sid=4c6aede05a%20901c51faf1785c0b28aece
[发帖际遇]: xp2发帖积极努力, 获得本论坛奖金贡献257.
发表于 2008-4-12 13:06:16 | 显示全部楼层
多谢, 但是只有旧版本有英文版哦?!
[发帖际遇]: Sloneczko在赌场爽了一把, 赢得2.

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发表于 2008-4-12 18:27:43 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-4-18 07:56:53 | 显示全部楼层

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