发表于 2011-12-7 23:06:59
bmwman 发表于 2011-12-7 13:42
Thanks a lot for honest reply, I just want to inject some atomsopher in order to make chinese people ...
OK...i UNDERSTAND...but what about this way...
why ''white''should change?
Maybe ''Chinese'' people should?
or maybe the work need to be done by both sides?
So majorites white people do not like chinese! And majority of chinese people do not like whites!
Well maybe from other point of view, do you like metal music? well I do, and lets say you don't...in your way, in your opinion: I should change my habbit otherwise you wont like me, or I should force you to like my kind of music? other way we wont be friends?
You see, the problem is it always works both way!
If someone feels that somebody do not like him/her - he wont be nice for him in any special way, cos why should he, if this person already have opinion and do not like him.
The other way is the same - if someone do not know person and already judged him that he wont like him - why he should bother to known him more?!...there is never problem only on one side!
But what about that if whites do not like chinese....why chinese people should care about it? if you do not likes withes do not care if we like you?
why chinese should care what ''whites'' think about them? why do you care about that? if you do not like us, other way why should they like you?
if chinese people want ''whites'' to like them more...they should open them selves!
To get know ''white' culture/habbits etc then white will be able to known your culture your habbits...and of course we do not have to agree with our cultures and habbits...but at least we tried and we know. for sure there must be some compromise, both of site need to sacrafice sth...but as you sad its a long progress - But it must be done by both parts not just ''whites''!
Oh one more regarding chiense people abroad! Good that you want them be more confident, for sure they cannot afford that in their own land! remember that confidence doesn't mean be negative and pessimistic about all you find abroad,
but I think this is different subject. what they teach us in our own countries :)
and the last one: you sad white do not like change themselfs? well we changing every day...we are open for other cultures, religions, musics, habbits etc....what you can say about chinese...?? do you change?
again: why whites should change and you stay the same? :) this way it will never work out!