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发表于 2022-12-20 07:21:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fuzhou ReleasesFive Innovative Investment Promotion Outcomes Globally

酒香不怕巷子深,但是新形势下,招商引资是“酒香也怕巷子深”。为及时沟通内外,向海内外宣传福州的发展资讯,“投资福州 Invest Fuzhou”微信公众号以福州招商信使的身份,隆重登场,分成资讯馆、投资库、服务窗3个一级栏目,以及榕城要闻、投资动态、智库报告、营商环境、重点产业、招商地图、政策支持、我要投资、我要办事、我要咨询、我要建言、资源下载等12个二级栏目,涵盖产业规划、空间、政策和办事服务等方方面面信息,可以这么说,只要客商想要的,“投资福州Invest Fuzhou”都有!
目前“投资福州Invest Fuzhou”已录入信息近万条,不仅能够查阅各方面招商资讯,还能进行项目政策模拟,为客商提供全方位、全周期、全天候服务,搭建高效沟通桥梁,精心精准精细做好招商引资工作,体现福州招商人的速度、温度、专业度,为全市招商引资工作助力。

Last September, Fuzhou released a master plan for the future 5 years’development in which a clear target of speeding up efforts in building a moderninternational city is set. To that end, a development paradigm featuringbuilding six towns, galvanizing five international brands and implementing ninespecial programs was also formed.
This year on, the city has made tremendous efforts with full commitmentand determination in building six towns of Binhai New Town, Fuzhou UniversityTown, Southeast Automobile Town, Fuzhou (Changle) International Aviation Town,Maritime Silk Road Seaport Town, and Modern Logistics Town. A major platformfor development, a major system for comprehensive transportation and a majorhub for freight have been established to facilitate future development withgreater prospects. With investment promotion as a driving force, a specialprogram for critical projects has been carried out in full swing to develop theindustries toward high-end, high-quality and high-tech transformation. 318high-quality industrial projects have been introduced with a total investmentamount of over 320 billion yuan. New Hope, Amer International Group, ChinaCommunications Construction Company Limited, ZiJin Mining, Longfor GroupHoldings Limited and other world’s Top 500 enterprises were newly introduced toFuzhou, and 144 projects from 136 leading enterprises such as ZhongjingPetrochemical and Eversun Holding Group were also launched. 16 key industrialchains including new generation of information technology have been vigorouslydeveloped with a total production value of nearly 2 trillion yuan.
Faced by good opportunities, it’s high time to ride on the momentum andforge ahead with all efforts. In order to summarize experiences and demonstrateinnovative investment promotion outcomes to motivate all sectors of the cityinto this critical campaign and draw more attention from all walks of life tofacilitate Fuzhou’s investment promotion, the GlobalInnovative Investment Promotion Conference will soon be unveiled in Fuzhou. Five majorinnovative outcomes are released on site, demonstratingFuzhou’s new progress, new measures, new experiences and new mechanisms overlaunched projects, investment promotion, project management platforms, industrial chain map forinvestment promotion, etc. Fuzhou is rising up to new opportunities andchallenges for investment promotion in the new era with fast-developing andhigh-quality innovation.
Exquisite!One batch of projects flourishes six towns.
When a tree grows tall enough it will naturally be chosen by the phoenixto rest, just as a fragrant flower will naturally attract butterflies. Fuzhouwith its favourable business environment now becomes home to many majorprojects. Construction of Tianjin University-National University of SingaporeJoint Institute in Fuzhou and the main building of Bosssoft AI Industrial PhaseI Park has been completed. Nearly 900 enterprises have been registered in theChina Southeast Big Data Industrial Park with 300-plus projects and a totalinvestment volume of around 300 billion yuan implemented with the Rolling Waveapproach. Construction of the first building of Fuyao University of Science andTechnology (working title) was completed. Haixia Innovation Laboratoryis under construction and Mindu Innovation Laboratory will soon be deliveredand put into operation. Dongtaii High-End New Materials Industrial Park hasbeen home to nearly 10 enterprises. The world's largest intelligentmanufacturing base project for airtight new materials and the second phase ofChangle International Airport construction project are proceeding in fullswing. Chinese major online retailer JD.com and leading privateagribusiness New Hope Group have signed to settle in the city’s Modern LogisticsTown...Through all these glad tidings about investment promotionand projecting launching, it is clear that Fuzhou has set sail for embracing abrighter future driven by the strategy of developing 6 towns.
Supporting strengths are pooled from this land of over 1400 squarekilometers, especially from the six towns of Binhai New Town, Fuzhou UniversityTown, Southeast Automobile Town, Fuzhou (Changle) International Aviation Town,Maritime Silk Road Seaport Town, and Modern Logistics Town on it. The city isalso developing itself to be an international consumption center and forging adevelopment paradigm where the major platform, major system and major hub areintegrated and big projects, strong industry and major industrial clusterssupport each other, so as to inject more impetus to the pursuit of a moderninternational city.
Specific!One map draws out 975 leading enterprises as targets.
Leading enterprises play crucial roles in aggregating industries. InFuzhou, a special campaign for industrial chain development featuring “highlightingthe advantages and offsetting the deficiencies, supporting leading enterprises,improving supporting facilities, pursuing breakthroughs in core technologies inkey fields, consolidating foundations of industrial chain and optimizingindustrial ecology” has been launched. 16 key industrial chains including newdisplay, new generation information technology and integrated circuit areincluded in the campaign. A map for industrial chain investment promotion waselaborately drawn on the principle of integrating investment promotion policy,resources and platforms and industrial orientation, forming a new “1+3+1”system for industrial chain investment promotion, namely, one industrial chainmap, three key lists for investment promotion policy, investment promotion platformsand major projects, and one mechanism of industrial chain investment promotionworking group. The map targets 84 weak or missing links in industrial chains,selects 975 international and domestic leading enterprises and sorts out 109industrial platforms with a total area of over 49.43 million square meters and148 supporting policies and measures. The map therefore serves as a guidebookfor the city’s front-line personnel of investment promotion.
With the road map set, tremendous efforts have been made to fulfill the aspiration.For the first 3 quarters this year, faced by changes both in internal andexternal situations, Fuzhou has given top priority to industrial chaininvestment promotion. 318 industrial projects including China CommunicationsConstruction Company Limited wind power and projects of New Hope, ChinaNational Offshore Oil Corporation and Zijin Mining, have contributed over 320billion yuan in investment amount. Eversun Holdings invested 12 billion yuan todevelop Green Microfiber Industrial Park. Zhongjing Petrochemical invested 18billion yuan in C4 New Material Industrial Park. Sichuan Furong Technology, alisted company, invested over 4 billion to set up production lines of aluminummaterials for consumer electronics. New Hope invested 868 million to developAuscow Diary Processing Base and supporting facilities. These projects haveplayed important role in helping extend, renovate and consolidate the leadingindustrial chains of textile and functional new materials, high-end and finechemical engineering, green and new metallurgy materials, green food, etc.Major industrial clusters have taken big strides in development and gained morecompetitiveness.
Meticulous! One platform enables life cycle management.Just as metal isattractedto amagneticfield, investment is attracted to good service. And the key of optimizingservices lies in management. A platform with the mission of coordinating andmanaging the whole city's investment promotion affairs was launched in responseand went into trial operation. Based on the experiences of the past 5 years’ investment promotion practices in Fuzhou, the platformapplied the principle of life cycle management, whole process assistance and all-around services to set up 4 core databases of intended projects, launchedprojects, operated projects and key factors and resources. Every project willbe tracked in the full process of matchmaking, contract signing,projecting launching and operating. Each project clue canbe intelligently matched with appropriate resources via the platform where all related information of thecity is collected. Two mechanisms of project warning and supervision on project coordination were launched to warn the projects making no progress for long period and supervise on projects requiring coordination between different departments. With suchcomprehensive functions, the platform empowers investment promotion with betterquality and efficiency.The platform now manages over 61,000 intendedprojects, over 32,000 launched projects and 26,000-plus operated projects, andcollects 692 pieces of information about land and building resources coveringover 20 square kilometers and 32 million square meters respectively forinvestment promotion in the city, marking that Fuzhou has entered an era of digitalinvestment promotion.Precise! One account gathers 5major information sources.The saying of “Good wine needs no bush” nowno longer fits the situation of investment promotion practices in the new era.For exchanging information and promoting Fuzhou’s development in domestic andinternational markets, the WeChat official account "Invest Fuzhou",as an important media for Fuzhous investmentpromotion, was officially launched. It covers 3first-level menus of Information, Investment and Service, under which there are also 12 second-levelmenus of Fuzhou News, Investment Updates, Think Tank Reports, Business Environment, Key Industries, Investment Promotion Map, Supporting Policies, Want toInvest, Want to Apply, Inquiry, Advice and Resource Download. You can find everything you want regarding investment at thisWeChat official account "Invest Fuzhou", be it about industrial planning, space planning, policies, or services.The WeChat official account now collects nearly 10,000 pieces ofinformation. Besides providing investment promotion information, it also allowspolicy simulation for projects, as part of Fuzhou’s endeavor to offerall-around and life cycle services in a 24/7 manner to investors. With theWeChat official account serving as an efficient channel for communication,Fuzhou aims to provide more thoughtful, targeted and precise services toinvestors with efficiency, hospitality and proficiency.Helpful!One set of policies covers three major industries.Environment is the key factor of investmentpromotion. In recent years, Fuzhou steps up efforts to improve businessenvironment. A series of pragmatic, useful and down-to-earthsupporting policies and over 148 preferential measures have been launched to facilitatecompany listing, encourage technicalreform, create featured brands,as well asto develop digitaleconomy, marine economy, green economy and cultural tourism economy. A set ofcomprehensive industrial policies have been developed.
For this Conference, Office of the Fuzhou Municipal Leading Group forInvestment Promotion has collected the city’s 148 industrial policies andmeasures under 52 categories, and extracted the mostimportant 3-4 measures under each category. Such policy outlines along with QR codes for the originalfull text of the policies and a database of 1,300 carefully-selected keywords are available on WeChatofficial account "Invest Fuzhou". Investors can easily access torelated supporting policies by keyword searching. With full commitment to providing best services,Fuzhou is ready to welcome more investors with open arms.
The last part of a journey is always its toughest. Investment promotion is a marathon with only starting point but nodestination. To win an advantage, one could only keep running and makingbreakthroughs. This year’s Global Innovative Investment Promotion Conferenceuses videos, photos, digital interactions and other high-tech approaches todemonstrate Fuzhou’s best industries and business environment as well as its richcultural heritage and competent investment promotion platforms, reflecting Fuzhou’sfull confidence and determination to act as a pacesetter riding on the tide ofinvestment promotion.

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