经常看到一些同学在给学校的邮件或CV中说自己是985或211 university,但老外真的能看懂吗?对于不同学历院校的英文说你用对了吗? 所以记住千万不要直接对你的老外朋友说211或985 universities,他们不会知道你说的是哪种大学,有一定的误解,所以如果你要表达咱们的211或985大学,不妨多做出一些解释:
英文释义: Project 211 is a project of National Key Universities and colleges initiated in 1995 by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.
211/985大学: Project 211 (a National Key Universities 或者 world-class universities)
双一流大学? The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Development and Reform Commission on Thursday jointly released a selected list of universities and colleges, which will participate in the country’s construction plan of world-class universities and first-class disciplines. 去年9月21日,教育部、财政部、国家发展改革委公布世界一流大学和一流学科建设高校及建设学科名单。
世界一流大学:world-class universities 一流学科:first-class disciplines
双一流:"Double First-Class" initiative “双一流”建设高校通过竞争优选、专家评选、政府比选、动态筛选产生。“双一流”建设高校及学科名单中共有137所高校,其中,一流大学建设高校共计42所,一流学科建设高校共计95所。
与“双一流”相关的表达: “双一流”建设高校名单:list of “Double First-Class” university project
竞争优选:competitive selection
专家评选:expert evaluation
政府比选:government assessment
动态筛选:periodic screening
一本,二本和三本怎么说呢? 官方版本: 一本:The first batch of undergraduate 二本:The second batch of undergraduate 三本:The third batch of undergraduate 网上翻译的比较正确的说法,也可用作参考 
专科怎么说呢? 专科指高职高专教育,是高等教育的重要组成部分。在国内,专科教育由高职和高专承担,部分本科高校亦开设有专科。专科层次不颁发学位证书,只颁发专科毕业证书。
英文表达:Specialty 也要网友们提议,可以直接翻译为“three-year college education”,便于老外理解,也更符合专科的实际含义。
高职院校怎么说呢? 高等职业教育,简称高职。在中国大陆地区,高职偏重于培养高等技术应用型人才,且主要是专科层次。
英文表达:Polytechnic College 新华社曾有一篇报道: China's higher vocational schools enroll more than 3 million students annually-- China currently has about 1,184 schools of higher vocational education, which enroll more than 3.1 million students annually, Vice Minister of Education Lu Xin said. 中国高职院校每年招收300多万学生——教育部副部长鲁昕说,中国目前有约1184所高职教育机构,每年招收学生310多万。
所以“高职院校”还可以用“higher vocational schools”或“higher vocational colleges”来表达。